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Home » Could Not Find Or Load Main Class Sun.Applet.Appletviewer | Error : Could Not Find Or Load Main Class Sun.Applet.Appletviewer || How To Run Applet In Eclipse 모든 답변

Could Not Find Or Load Main Class Sun.Applet.Appletviewer | Error : Could Not Find Or Load Main Class Sun.Applet.Appletviewer || How To Run Applet In Eclipse 모든 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer – Error : could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer || how to run Applet in eclipse“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 Error House 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 32,459회 및 좋아요 259개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

The current solution for you would be: Install jdk-8 and open Eclipse. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Add -> next and find your jvm folder(e.g. /usr/lib/jvm). From there select jdk-8.You may have not set the command search path ( $PATH ) correctly. This is a common for people who are new to Java; see javac is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. You may be trying to use appletviewer in Java 11 or later. This won’t work.Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. Cmd: ‘appletviewer’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

How to Fix Error: Could not find or load main class
  1. Using correct class name – The spelling and casing of the class name should be checked when executing the program.
  2. Using the class name without the . …
  3. Using the correct file path – The path to the .

Table of Contents

could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 Error : could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer || how to run Applet in eclipse – could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

In this video, I will explain about fixing \”could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer\” error.
You might be working on eclipse with JDK11 or grater version successfully without any errors, but suddenly now you are facing this issue with Applet code.
Am I right?
Don’t get panic, because I have a solution for you.
This is due to any of the following reasons
— JDK versions grater than 8 will not support Applet, so you cannot run applet code.
— Uninstall existing JDK and install JDK8 to run Applet code
link to download JDK – ninite link –
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Error House
#ErrorHouse #Java #Eclipse #Applets

could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer

Hello evrybody, i have to create an applet program using Eclipse I m using linux : Version: 2021-09 (4.21.0) Build : 20210910-1417

+ 더 읽기


Date Published: 5/25/2021

View: 222

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer

I’m using eclipse and I’m creating this java applet but I keep getting below error when I tried to run an applet. I know it’s deprecated in the new version …

+ 더 읽기


Date Published: 10/27/2021

View: 4871

How to resolve ‘could not find or load main class sun.applet …

AppletViewer” error? I couldn’t find any files starting with “applet” either in my JDK file.

+ 여기에 표시


Date Published: 9/12/2021

View: 668

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer

Error: Could not find or load main sun.applet.AppletViewer. Tags: java , eclipse Answers: | Viewed 36,965 times. I’m using eclipse and I’m creating …

+ 여기에 표시


Date Published: 9/24/2021

View: 7904

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer

Answers 1 : of Error: Could not find or load main sun.applet.AppletViewer · Install jdk-8 and open Eclipse. · Go to Window -> Preferences -> …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 12/25/2021

View: 7466

[Solved]-Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet …

[Solved]-Error: Could not find or load main sun.applet.AppletViewer-eclipse. Search. score:0. For support of Applets in Netbeans, you can edit the …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 1/2/2021

View: 9005

Resolved: No Suggestions Found To Fix Applet Main Class.

How do I enable applet viewer? How do you resolve could not find or load main in Eclipse?

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


Date Published: 5/28/2021

View: 5452

주제와 관련된 이미지 could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Error : could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer || how to run Applet in eclipse. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Error : could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer || how to run Applet in eclipse
Error : could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer || how to run Applet in eclipse

주제에 대한 기사 평가 could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer

  • Author: Error House
  • Views: 조회수 32,459회
  • Likes: 좋아요 259개
  • Date Published: 2020. 6. 26.
  • Video Url link:

Why is my appletviewer not working?

You may have not set the command search path ( $PATH ) correctly. This is a common for people who are new to Java; see javac is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. You may be trying to use appletviewer in Java 11 or later. This won’t work.


How do you fix could not find or load main class in Java?

How to Fix Error: Could not find or load main class
  1. Using correct class name – The spelling and casing of the class name should be checked when executing the program.
  2. Using the class name without the . …
  3. Using the correct file path – The path to the .

What happens if appletviewer is not recognized?

Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. Cmd: ‘appletviewer’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

How do I enable appletviewer?

Click Oracle Forms Server. Click Custom. From the list of Available Products, select JDK AppletViewer. Click Install.

Which version of JDK is required for applet?

Applet (Java SE 12 & JDK 12 )

How do I fix applet API and AppletViewer are deprecated?

Warning: Applet API and AppletViewer are deprecated. The solution is to stop using applets. They’re dead and all time spent upon them is a waste. See also:…, and and

Why could not find or load main class?

Reasons to Occur Error

The error generates because the JVM fails to load the main class or package name. There are some other reasons that generate the same error, as follows: The class has been declared in the wrong package. Dependencies missing from the CLASSPATH.

Where is the classpath in Java?

Classpath is a parameter in the Java Virtual Machine or the Java compiler that specifies the location of user-defined classes and packages.

Supplying as application argument.
Microsoft Windows Linux
java -classpath D:\myprogram org.mypackage.HelloWorld java -cp /home/user/myprogram org.mypackage.HelloWorld

How do I run a Java JAR file?

Steps to run a JAR file on Windows, Mac or Linux
  1. Verify that Java is installed on your computer.
  2. Confirm the computer’s PATH variable includes Java’s \bin directory.
  3. Double-click the JAR file if auto-run has been configured.
  4. Run the JAR file on the command line or terminal window if a double-clicking fails.

How do I run an appletviewer in Java?

To load applet programs, the browser must have java enabled.

Using an Applet Viewer to run the applet:
  1. Write HTML APPLET tag in comments in the source file.
  2. Compile the applet source code using javac.
  3. Use applet viewer ClassName. class to view the applet.

How do I run a Java applet program in JDK 17?

Compile the program in your terminal using javacold command. After compilation you will get a message. Then run the applet using the command appletviewer. Now you can see the Hello world applet running.

Does JDK 8 support applet?

As announced in 2015, Applets were supported in Java SE 8 until March, 2019. Although support is no longer available for Applets, they remain available for Windows and continue to receive updates in Java SE 8.

How do I run Java applets in Windows 10?

Internet Explorer
  1. Click Tools and then Internet Options.
  2. Select the Security tab, and select the Custom Level button.
  3. Scroll down to Scripting of Java applets.
  4. Make sure the Enable radio button is checked.
  5. Click OK to save your preference.

What is appletviewer tool?

The appletviewer tool allows you to run applets without a web browser. It is compatible with the appletviewer tool that is supplied by Sun Microsystems, Inc. The appletviewer tool is available using the Qshell Interpreter.

In which of the folder of JDK appletviewer tool is available?

bin folder

AppletViewer is the stand alone tool to test the running of applets. bin folder consists of all the executable files and to run AppletViewer, the following things needs to be kept in mind: 1.

How do I fix Java outside of source root?

To Solve: “Java file outside of source root”
  1. Open Project Structure.
  2. Select Modules in Project Settings in left pane.
  3. Click on the folder in which your Java files (showing file outside of source root) are present.
  4. Then Select Sources from Mark as: option.
  5. Apply the same steps for multiple folders.

Can’t find or load main class error in NetBeans?

Sometimes due to out of memory space error, NetBeans is unable to load or find the main class. RightClick on the project node and go to Set configuration. Select the main class for your application. Then clean and build.

How do you fix No class Def Found error?

lang. NoClassDefFoundError, which means the Class Loader file responsible for dynamically loading classes can not find the . class file. So to remove this error, you should set your classpath to the location where your Class Loader is present.

How do I enable Javac?

Your answer
  1. Check your javac path on Windows using Windows Explorer C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1. 7.0_02\bin and copy the address.
  2. Go to Control Panel. Environment Variables and Insert the address at the beginning of var. …
  3. Close your command prompt and reopen it,and write the code for compile and execution.

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer

I think you are using jdk-13. However, Applets support jdk-8 and lower.

The current solution for you would be:

Install jdk-8 and open Eclipse. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Add -> next and find your jvm folder(e.g. /usr/lib/jvm). From there select jdk-8. After adding jdk-8, remove the jdk-13 from Preferences.

After everything here, it should start working. If you encounter the error

Exception in thread “main” java.awt.AWTError: Assistive Technology not found: org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper

you can simply run this command

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer message #1848954] Issa Issa

Messages: 2

Registered: December 2021

I m using linux :

Version: 2021-09 (4.21.0)

Build id: 20210910-1417

So i create a project :

I use an execution environnement jre : JAVASE-1.8

and i leave all option

New i create a class :

i leave evrything empty :

import java.applet.Applet; public class myApplet extends Applet { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }

and when i lunch my program :

i got this error :

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.applet.AppletViewer

do u know how to fix this error please ?

i can lunch my applet in command line and works with this :

to compile i use this line :

javac –release 8

and i lunch it like this :

appletviewer index.html

but on eclipse not working

in commadn line i can lunch the applet with :

java -version

openjdk version “11.0.13” 2021-10-19

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.13+8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.21.10)

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.13+8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.21.10, mixed mode, sharing)

if someone can explain me how do the same in eclipse please


Hello evrybody, i have to create an applet program using EclipseI m using linux :Version: 2021-09 (4.21.0)Build id: 20210910-1417So i create a project :I use an execution environnement jre : JAVASE-1.8and i leave all optionNew i create a class :i leave evrything empty :and when i lunch my program :i got this error :do u know how to fix this error please ?i can lunch my applet in command line and works with this :to compile i use this line :javac –release 8 HelloWorldApplet.javaand i lunch it like this :appletviewer index.htmlbut on eclipse not workingin commadn line i can lunch the applet with :java -versionopenjdk version “11.0.13” 2021-10-19OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.13+8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.21.10)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.13+8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.21.10, mixed mode, sharing)if someone can explain me how do the same in eclipse pleasethanks Report message to a moderator

Java – Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer – iTecNote


I’m using eclipse and I’m creating this java applet but I keep getting below error when I tried to run an applet. I know it’s deprecated in the new version (I even tired 1.8) but is there something I can use to make it work?

‘appletviewer’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Try to install java 8 , set the path and then try to run the program again Because applets are now obsolete and not in use any more. So their support has been removed in the latest versions

Java Guide: How to Fix “Could not find or load main class”

The Java “Could not find or load main class” error is thrown when the JVM fails to find or load the main class while executing a program. It usually occurs when executing a Java program from the command line.

What Causes Error: Could not find or load main class

The “Could not find or load main class” error occurs when the JVM fails to load the main class. This can happen due to various reasons, such as:

The class being declared in the incorrect package.

The file path of the class not matching the fully qualified name.

Incorrectly specified classpath of the application.

Missing dependencies from the classpath.

Incorrect directory path on the classpath.

A typo in the class name.

Error: Could not find or load main class Example

Here’s an example of the Java “Could not find or load main class” error thrown when an incorrect class name is specified during execution:

Here’s an example Java class :

public class MyClass { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(“Hello World”); } }

Now the above class is compiled using the command line:

$ javac

The compiler generates an executable .class file for MyClass:

$ ls MyClass.class

Now if the java command is used to execute the .class file with an incorrect name, the “Could not find or load main class” error is thrown:

$ java Myclass Error: Could not find or load main class Myclass

The generated .class file has the exact same name as the Java class, which in this case is MyClass.class . Specifying the correct name will execute the program successfully:

$ java MyClass Hello World

How to Fix Error: Could not find or load main class

There are several ways the “Could not find or load main class” error can occur while executing Java programs. Most of the time, it occurs because of specifying an incorrect class name, class file extension, file path or classpath.

The following tips can be useful to resolve the “Could not find or load main class” error:

Using correct class name – The spelling and casing of the class name should be checked when executing the program.

Using the class name without the .class extension – The java command expects the class name for executing the program, without the .class extension. Therefore, the following syntax should be used to execute Java classes: java

command expects the class name for executing the program, without the .class extension. Therefore, the following syntax should be used to execute Java classes: java Using the correct file path – The path to the .class file should be checked and corrected if the error occurs. Remember to use the fully qualified name of the class that is in a package if executing it from outside the directory structure of the package.

Correct classpath definition – The classpath should be checked and defined correctly if the error comes up. It can also be specified using the java -cp or -classpath command line arguments.

Track, Analyze and Manage Errors With Rollbar

Managing errors and exceptions in your code is challenging. It can make deploying production code an unnerving experience. Being able to track, analyze, and manage errors in real-time can help you to proceed with more confidence. Rollbar automates error monitoring and triaging, making fixing Java errors easier than ever. Sign Up Today!

Problem with appletviewer command not found (Beginning Java forum at Coderanch)

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C.1 Introduction

This appendix describes the AppletViewer, an alternative to using Oracle JInitiator. The AppletViewer is a JDK component and an Oracle-supported product that client machines use to view applications running on the Forms Server. Upgraded versions are available for download from the Forms Developer Web site.


The AppletViewer is only supported on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.

C.2 Running Application in the AppletViewer

To run applications in the AppletViewer, you must complete the following steps:

Prepare to run your application with the AppletViewer.

Add the clientBrowser parameter to your base HTML file.

Set the clientBrowser parameter.

When running your application in the AppletViewer, requests to show a URL (for example, web.showDocument and RUN_PRODUCT) will be ignored by the AppletViewer. If this is the case, you will need to follow the process to trust the Forms applet, as described later in this chapter in Section C.3.1, “Trusting the Forms Applet by Registering Its Signature”.

C.2.1 Preparing to Run Your Application with the AppletViewer

In order to prepare to run your application within the AppletViewer, make the AppletViewer available for download and inform your users that they will have to install the AppletViewer on their client machines. Complete the following:

Customize JDK_DOWNLOAD.HTM. JDK_DOWNLOAD.HTM is the template HTML file that allows your users to download the AppletViewer.

Copy JDK.EXE to your Web server. You must copy JDK.EXE to the location specified within JDK_DOWNLOAD.HTM.

Copy JDK_DOWNLOAD.HTM to your Web server. You must copy JDK_DOWNLOAD.HTM to the location specified within JDK_DOWNLOAD.HTM.

C.2.2 Adding the clientBrowser Parameter to your Base HTML File

To use the clientBrowser parameter, you must have security permissions to issue a system call that executes the named application. In general, when loading Java class files, the Forms applet is not trusted and, as such, cannot issue such system calls. However, when the Forms applet is trusted, it is able to issue these calls. The Forms applet is considered trusted when one of the following is true:

These HTML file examples assume that you trusted the Forms applet by registering its signature on your machine. If you trusted the Forms applet by locally installing the Forms Java class files instead, you should not download the F60ALL.JAR file. Therefore, remove the ARCHIVE=”/…/f60all.jar” applet tag from your HTML file.

C.2.3 Setting the clientBrowser Parameter

To set the clientBrowser parameter, do one of the following:

Add the clientBrowser parameter to your HTML file.

Add the clientBrowser parameter to your HTML file, and have each client modify their JDK_SETUP.BAT file.

Add the clientBrowser Parameter to Your HTML File.

This option assumes that every client has its browser executable installed into the same physical directory because the physical path of the browser is hard-coded in the HTML file. For example:

Add the clientBrowser Parameter to Your HTML File and Have Each Client Modify Their JDK_SETUP.BAT File.

This option is best if there is a possibility that clients have installed their browser executables into different physical directories. It does assume, however, that all clients are using the same browser. For example, the HTML file might look like this:

Error Could Not Find Or Load Main Class Sunappletappletviewer

1. Could not find or load main class in Java? The Java “Could not find or load main class” error is thrown when the JVM fails to find or load the main class while executing a program. It usually occurs when executing a Java program from the command line. The “Could not find or load main class” error occurs when the JVM fails to load the main class.

2. What is the meaning of this error could not find class name? Error: Could not find or load main class ClassName. Error: Could not find or load main class ClassName. The error is mostly generated when we incorrectly specify the class name at run time of the program.

3. Is it possible to run an Appletviewer in eclipse with Java? Java applets are dead. You are running Java 11, this does not have AppletViewer. You will have to run with an older Java. So I don’t need to downgrade my eclipse version, but Java? Yes? Yes you would have to use an older java version.

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.ap…anycodings

I think you are using jdk-13. However, anycodings_eclipse Applets support jdk-8 and lower.

The current solution for you would be:

Install jdk-8 and open Eclipse. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Add -> next and find your jvm folder(e.g. /usr/lib/jvm). From there select jdk-8. After adding jdk-8, remove the jdk-13 from Preferences.

After everything here, it should start anycodings_eclipse working. If you encounter the error

Exception in thread “main” anycodings_eclipse java.awt.AWTError: Assistive Technology anycodings_eclipse not found: anycodings_eclipse org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper

you can simply run this command

sudo sed -i -e anycodings_eclipse ‘/^assistive_technologies=/s/^/#/’ anycodings_eclipse /etc/java-*-openjdk/

[Solved]-Error: Could not find or load main class sun.applet.AppletViewer-eclipse


I think you are using jdk-13. However, Applets support jdk-8 and lower.

The current solution for you would be:

Install jdk-8 and open Eclipse. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Add -> next and find your jvm folder(e.g. /usr/lib/jvm). From there select jdk-8. After adding jdk-8, remove the jdk-13 from Preferences.

After everything here, it should start working. If you encounter the error

Exception in thread “main” java.awt.AWTError: Assistive Technology not found: org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper

you can simply run this command

Resolved: No Suggestions Found To Fix Applet Main Class. – User Chronicles

Here are a few simple methods that should help you solve the applet main class not found problem.

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1. Download and install ASR Pro

2. Open the program and click “Scan”

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“Error: Could not find main loader class Main”

Recently when I was suggesting the Java Eclipse program, I got the same messageabout an error.

“Error: Main class failed to load”

was throwing exceptions and confusing me even after over 10 years of experience with Java issues. Whenever I run my own Java application, either using runtime types or by right-clicking and running a specific Java program, I get an awful popup saying: “The main class cannot be loaded or can be found, the program will completed.” Name=”details”> /p>

I checked a lot more, the project compiled fine, I can see it

.class file

How do I enable applet viewer? Click Oracle Forms Server. Click Custom. Select AppletViewer jdk from the list of available products. Click Install.

against the main class in the Eclipse bin directory and I can even see the project as well as the output folder added to the classpath of one of the runtime configs but I still get the message “failed to see main class, program must terminate his mistake”.

I spent a good two hours doing my best, calling my teammates for help (it’s always good to have an extra pair of roaming eyes in this nice situation), surfing the internet and doing a lot of trial and error, but error seems totsya, permanent.

The first hint I got while debugging my Java program. I’m debugging a Java application in Eclipse by simply right clicking

and selecting”Debugging as a Java program”ClassNotFoundExceptionClassNotFoundException

How do you resolve could not find or load main class in Eclipse? Delete existing behavior configurations. When you run the predominant class as “Run Java Program”, it immediately adds to the default classpath most commonly associated with the project as user input in the run configurations classpath as shown below – below.Find the missing library.Debugging a Java program in general.

It was kind of a breakthrough after so much time wasted, but the hint is still not enough because the class is meant to help one of the dependents. Which package was available on the classpath, for some reason, but Eclipse didn’t see it.Definitely < remove existing classpath to Run SettingsInitially. Just remove the runtime configuration and recreate the idea that the class will run with one click. “Run as Java program” certainly fixes the error. Error Solution: Could Not Find Or Load Main Group In Eclipse How do you fix could not find or load main class? Reasons for the errors. The error occurs because the JVM stops loading the main class or package name.Solving the exact error. To avoid or fix exactly the error, we need to specify the common package name or class name.No package.With package. Although I managed to help you solve this problem, it seemed too complicated and time consuming. I don’t want to face the same situation again, especially when I need to run my java urgent strategy to debug the urgent describedia problems. So I decided to write down my other experience of one or two otherworldly tours. In this article, I’m sharing three helpful tips to seriously troubleshoot “class not found or loaded” error in Eclipse. BUT 1. Delete Existing Power Configurations When doing the main run state “Run Java program as”, the problem adds the default project classpath as user input in the run configurations classpath as shown below.< /p>

The problem in my case was that my project also required native libraries and due to other bugs I messed around with the classpath. Apparently when I created a run configuration by copying it from another project, I deleted the old project with the default path added and the flash drive the new one without the default classpath.

ASR Pro repair tool can help you diagnose and fix common Windows issues quickly and easily. Plus, by using ASR Pro, you can also increase system performance, optimize memory, improve security and fine tune your PC for maximum reliability. So don’t wait – download ASR Pro today!

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키워드에 대한 정보 could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer

다음은 Bing에서 could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer 주제에 대한 검색 결과입니다. 필요한 경우 더 읽을 수 있습니다.

이 기사는 인터넷의 다양한 출처에서 편집되었습니다. 이 기사가 유용했기를 바랍니다. 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다!

사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 Error : could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer || how to run Applet in eclipse

  • could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer in eclipse
  • error house
  • could not find or load main class
  • how to run applet code
  • applets in eclipse
  • how to run applets in eclipse
  • sun.applet.appletviewer error
  • sun.applet.appletviewer
  • how to resolve sun.applet.appletviewer
  • java
  • eclipse
  • how to run java applet
  • could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer in java

Error #: #could #not #find #or #load #main #class #sun.applet.appletviewer #|| #how #to #run #Applet #in #eclipse

YouTube에서 could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer 주제의 다른 동영상 보기

주제에 대한 기사를 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다 Error : could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer || how to run Applet in eclipse | could not find or load main class sun.applet.appletviewer, 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오, 매우 감사합니다.