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Home » Bonderite M Nt 5700 Wipes | Bonderite M-Nt 1455-W – Metal Pre-Treatment 상위 147개 답변

Bonderite M Nt 5700 Wipes | Bonderite M-Nt 1455-W – Metal Pre-Treatment 상위 147개 답변

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d여기에서 BONDERITE M-NT 1455-W – Metal pre-treatment – bonderite m nt 5700 wipes 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Learn more about BONDERITE M-NT 1455-W on\r
The conversion coating from the BONDERITE range is perfect to treat bare metal surfaces before coating processes (steel, aluminium, stainless steel, copper and brass). The ready to use wipes make the process fast and easy. It is chromium-free with a very low VOC content.

bonderite m nt 5700 wipes 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.


BONDERITE M-NT 5700 WIPES (known as ALODINE 5700 WIPES) produce a chromium free conversion coating on aluminum, titanium and magnesium surfaces.

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BONDERITE M-NT 5700 WIPES produce a chromium-free conversion coating on aluminum, titanium and magnesium surfaces.

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주제와 관련된 이미지 bonderite m nt 5700 wipes

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 BONDERITE M-NT 1455-W – Metal pre-treatment. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

BONDERITE M-NT 1455-W - Metal pre-treatment
BONDERITE M-NT 1455-W – Metal pre-treatment

주제에 대한 기사 평가 bonderite m nt 5700 wipes

  • Author: Henkel Industrial Adhesives
  • Views: 조회수 6,564회
  • Likes: 좋아요 17개
  • Date Published: 2017. 1. 23.
  • Video Url link:
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Ready-to-use, conversion coating, surface treatment wipes which produce a chromium-free coating on aluminum, titanium and magnesium surfaces.

BONDERITE® M-NT 5700 are conversion coating, surface treatment wipes which produce a chromium-free conversion coating on aluminum, titanium and magnesium surfaces. They are formulated as a ready-to-use material for pre-saturated wipe application which provides an excellent base for organic finishes, sealers and most adhesives. Please note: BONDERITE M products are used in the surface modification of metals and usually applied in a multi-stage process. The performance of these surface treatments depends on various factors such as the preceding cleaning or etching steps (BONDERITE C portfolio), line design or process parameters.



BONDERITE M-NT 5700 WIPES produce a chromium-free conversion coating on aluminum, titanium and magnesium surfaces.

This product is formulated as a ready-to-use material for pre-saturated wipe application.

The conversion coating provides an excellent base for organic finishes, sealers and most adhesives.

BONDERITE M-NT 5700 WIPES produce a conversion coating which forms from a reaction with the metal surface to form true chemical bonds.

This reaction greatly enhances adhesion and corrosion resistance of subsequently applied paints (including primers when multiple coat systems are used), sealers and adhesives.

The BONDERITE M-NT 5700 WIPES process is a dry-in-place application and does not require water rinsing.

Light metals.

Henkel Bondertire M-NT 5700 Wipes Non Chrome Coating Adhesives, Sealers, Coating: Protective Coatings: Conversion Coating Chromium free 1-Part Wipe datasheet

Surface Preparation

Thoroughly clean the metal surface using BONDERITE C-SO 263 (known as PARCOSOL 263) Wipes or a clean Scotch Brite Pad followed by a BONDERITE C-SO 263 (known as PARCOSOL 263) Wipe to remove soils and metal fines. All metal to be treated with BONDERITE M-NT 5700 WIPES (known as ALODINE 5700 WIPES) must be dry and free from grease, oil and other foreign matter before treatment. Abrasive cleaning is also an acceptable method of surface preparation where scale or corrosion products exist. Remove all loose material from the surface by cleaning or re-cleaning with BONDERITE C-SO 263 (known as PARCOSOL 263) Wipes or equivalent.

Wipe the clean surface with BONDERITE M-NT 5700 WIPES (known as ALODINE 5700 WIPES). Use slightly over lapping vertical and horizontal, even pressured strokes. Make sure the entire bare metal surface is wetted with fluid. The surface can remain wet for less than one minute for the chemical reaction to be completed. Puddling of the fluid or prolonged wetting may create a dusty surface, which should be tacked off prior to painting, sealer application or adhesive bonding.

Allow the wetted surface to dry at ambient temperature or speed drying with low velocity (do not disturb film) forced warm air, 100°F. to 200°F.

If handling of the dried, treated work is necessary, operators should wear clean, low lint, cotton gloves so that the treated surface is not contaminated. If a treated surface becomes re-contaminated, go back to Step A, above.

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 BONDERITE M-NT 1455-W – Metal pre-treatment

  • Henkel
  • Metal pre-treatment
  • Henkel adhesives
  • coating
  • metal coating
  • metal surface

BONDERITE #M-NT #1455-W #- #Metal #pre-treatment

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