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Tan Vs Pale Skin | Pale Is The New Tan 상위 139개 베스트 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “tan vs pale skin – Pale is the new tan“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 CNN 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 6,564회 및 좋아요 39개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

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d여기에서 Pale is the new tan – tan vs pale skin 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Check out how culture is influencing the runway and see why pale skin is in.

tan vs pale skin 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Which do you prefer, tan or white skin? – Quora

Interestingly, it used to be that pale skin was desirable and tan skin was “ugly.” Pale skin meant that you could afford to stay inse all day, while tan skin …

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Do Guys Prefer Tan or Pale Skin? (Solved) – Relationship Fire

Most guys prefer tan skin more than pale skin. A tan looks feminine, healthy, and youthful. Published research concludes that tan skin is more universally …

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Fashion Face Off: Tanned vs. Porcelain Skin

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Tan skin or pale skin? – GirlsAskGuys

Which do you prefer? Personally i prefer tanned skin. I think it makes a person look more exotic and healthier. Tan skin or pale skin?

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Tan Skin vs Pale Skin? – Beautylish

Which do you find more attractive? I naturally have strawberry blonde hair and verrryyy pale skin, I can’t tan for the life of me. I get a l.

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Cultural Definition of Beauty: Golden Tan or Pale Skin?

Golden Tan or Pale Milky Skin? While glowing, golden tan skin is the common beauty benchmark in America, in Asia, many indivuals endeavor to achieve pale, …

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How to Determine Your Skin Tone and Undertone – Mineral Air

Fair – The lightest range of skin tones. You likely burn easy, and have light or … Medium – You have a tan skin tone with warm golden or olive undertones.

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주제와 관련된 이미지 tan vs pale skin

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Pale is the new tan. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Pale is the new tan
Pale is the new tan

주제에 대한 기사 평가 tan vs pale skin

  • Author: CNN
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  • Date Published: 2012. 5. 16.
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Pale Skin Vs Tan Skin: Which is more beautiful?

Last Updated on July 26, 2021 by Janie Wilson

Is pale skin more attractive? Or tan skin? Some people get excited to step into the heat and experience the beach in the summer season. Some are trying to keep out of the sun to avoid their skin from becoming darker.

Pale Skin

A lighter appearance indicates wealth and nobility in most Asian countries. The rationale behind women’s preference for lighter skin is the product of social class disparities. Asians’ desire for lighter skin has to do with their apprehension of hyperpigmentation. Even those who are not that pale try to make their skin look lighter with many beauty products. These whitening products are commonly advertised and sold worldwide. It is perceived as beauty and has a relation to social pride and people believe that milky complexions are beautiful.

3 reasons to enjoy your pale skin

Fewer wrinkles.

Exposure to UV rays can damage skin such as premature aging of the skin and wrinkles. Keep out of the sun, and in later years you’ll look more youthful.

2. Cut the risk of skin cancer.

Overexposure to UV rays from the sun can damage the DNA of your skin cells and cause skin cancer. Pale skin that burns easily is especially sensitive, it’s a perfect reason to enjoy the shade.

Avoid tan lines.

You can wear any top you want without revealing your bikini stripes. So you don’t have to think about looking ridiculous when you get naked in your bathroom mirror.

Here are the top 5 celebrities who are incredibly beautiful with pale skin:

It’s Amanda Seyfried. The blonde bombshell also finds a way to balance her pale skin with a makeup that appears natural but doesn’t wash it away.

Lily Collins shows off one of the main advantages to being pale: it also helps bold brows stick out.

One of Korea’s most stunning actresses, Song Hye Kyo, has unarguably light skin that makes her look younger.

Famous Korean star Lee Min Ho, who filmed many famous Korean dramas, has shown us his mesmerizing face and Beautiful, light skin.

Look at Robert Pattinson in his smooth and naturally pale skin. He’s a living vampire!

Tan Skin

While being fair is common in Asia, being tan is famous in the West, where being tan is seen as glamorous, healthy, and trendy. Westerners have other views on white skin because the tanning of the skin is fashionable. The tanner you are the more attractive you are. It is the hottest look you can own right now. People spend long hours in the sun to get that suntan glow and even use tanning products, such as sunbeds. Lots of people also are trying spray tan to get the perfect bronze glow for special occasions.

3 reasons to enjoy your tan skin

Provides additional protection

By tanning, the melanocyte cells generate melanin and force it out of the cell. Melanin prevents deeper cell penetration of UV radiation. It absorbs UV energy and dissipates it as heat.

Boosts self-confidence

The tanned skin looks better and more attractive. Some celebrities spend millions of dollars only to achieve and keep their sun-kissed glow. Fair skin seems bland, dull, and sickly. That’s why they’re tanning to make their appearance look and feel healthier.

Unlimited sunlight

You don’t have to spend money just to get a bronze glow. Achieve a natural tan everywhere as long as the sun is there.

Below are the top 5 celebrities who looked dazzling with tanned skin:

Jennifer Aniston has perfected the natural-looking false-glow. Thus, proving that self-tanning today is more about looking good than fresh off a tropical vacation .

Priyanka Chopra has beautiful tan skin and keeps her skin sparkling at all times.

Kim Kardashian is renowned for her tanned skin and radiant complexion.

You’re going to love Taylor Lautner’s tan skin and his sweet smile.

Mario Lopez looks younger as he ages with his naturally dark skin and a stunningly attractive face.

Pale Skin Vs Tan Skin

Wrapping up

So, pale skin vs Tan skin–who is more beautiful? Can we come to a final conclusion? The answer is an emphatic NO. For, we will have countless chances to change our skin color, hair color, beauty methods, and style of clothes. All skin colors are beautiful, whatever makes you happy and comfortable, whether you have pale skin or tan skin.

Do Guys Prefer Tan or Pale Skin? (Solved)

If you’re trying to attract a man, you might wonder what most men find appealing.

Do guys prefer tan or pale skin?

Most guys prefer tan skin more than pale skin. A tan looks feminine, healthy, and youthful. Published research concludes that tan skin is more universally attractive than pale skin. However, some men prefer girls with pale skin. For example, men in Eastern countries tend to like pale skin.

In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know about “Do guys prefer tan or pale skin?”

Why Do Guys Prefer Tan Skin Over Pale Skin? (5 Good Reasons)

(This post may have afilliate links. Please see my disclosure Image by the author via Canva—Do Guys Prefer Tan or Pale Skin?

There are at least five good reasons why many guys prefer darker, tanned skin over pale skin.

Keep in mind that these are generalities. Each man holds unique preferences.

1) Tan Skin Is Associated with Femininity

Femininity is commonly associated with tan skin.

It may seem strange, but tanned skin is connected to our concept of the most prized and attractive females.

Most models and movie stars possess tan skin.

Tan is also associated with feminity in many cultures around the world, not just in the United States.

Women with tan skin are viewed as more graceful, smooth, elegant, worldly, and approachable.

2) Tans are Associated with Youth

Tanned skin is also associated with youth.

Women with tans are more likely to be considered young-looking than women with paler or whiter skin.

This is because people with lighter skin tend to age more rapidly.

For example, Caucasians tend to develop wrinkles and sagging skin sooner than people of color.

A tan also signals youthfulness and fun because it’s associated with outdoor activities like vacations at the beach, working out in the sun (like jogging), or summertime.

My most recommended tanning products:

Tanning Product Price Coconut Kisses Golden Tanning Lotion Check the latest price Sunless Spray Tanning KIT Check the latest price Sperti Fiji Sun Home Tanning Lamp Check the latest price Recommended tanning products

3) Tanned Skin is Associated with Health

Tanned skin is also associated with health benefits, including high vitamin D absorption and protection against UV rays.

In the shared consciousness of society, health is connected to outdoor activities like running, hiking, and jogging.

Being outdoors in the sun naturally results in tan skin.

On the other side, pale skin is associated with illness and sickness. When we see a person with pale skin, we often think they might be sick or unhealthy.

This includes physical illnesses but also mental health issues like stress and depression.

4) Tanned Skin Is More Desirable Than Pale Skin

Research published in the Dermatology Surgeons journal concluded that tan skin is almost universally desired over pale skin.

Another study in the Facial Plastic Surgery journal came to the same conclusion.

Therefore, the empirical data support the public perception that guys prefer tan skin more than they prefer pale skin.

Related: Do Girls Prefer Tanned Guys? (Helpful Advice)

Here is a good video that reveals when and how tanning became a worldwide beauty standard:

5) Tanned Skin Equals Good Character (According to Research)

The North American Journal of Psychology published a fascinating 2015 study that suggests both men and women link tan skin to positive personality traits.

It doesn’t seem to follow logic, but it’s true.

The study states:

In both studies, participants in the tan conditions rated the applicant more favorably than those in the non-tan conditions. Study 2 demonstrated that more positive evaluations of tan applicants were mediated by perceptions of increased attractiveness among these individuals. Results support the “what is beautiful is good” hypothesis, and suggest that employers be made aware of the “tan bias” and that future research examine this bias in contexts beyond the workplace.

While this study only looked at workplace preferences, it’s easy to infer the same perceptions likely exist in the realm of dating.

Do All Guys Prefer Tan Skin Over Pale Skin? 5 Things That Make Guys Want You (B… Please enable JavaScript 5 Things That Make Guys Want You (Based on Science)

Not all guys prefer tan skin over pale skin. Some guys prefer pale skin over tan skin. In some cultures, such as Asian countries, both men and women idolize pale skin.

Each man is different.

Each type of skin tone is linked to a mix of positive and negative traits, so there’s no “winning” complexion regarding physical appearance that applies to every man on the planet.

While not all guys prefer tanned skin, most do.

If you want to attract a man (and it’s not dangerous to your health), choose tanned skin over paler skin.

Do Tanned Guys Prefer Tan or Pale Skin?

Most tanned guys prefer tan skin over pale skin.

However, some guys with a very dark tan like women with lighter skin complexions. This is especially true in cultures or countries where paler skin is rare.

Just like women, some guys are just not into tans for whatever reason.

Do Pale Guys Prefer Tan or Pale Skin?

The majority of pale guys prefer girls with tan skin.

However, some guys gravitate towards girls with pale skin because they like the contrast to traditional beauty standards.

This type of guy might prefer a particular girl who looks different than other women clamoring to the beach, pool, or tanning bed.

The only way to know for sure is to make your move.

Do Young Guys Prefer Tan or Pale Skin?

There’s definitely a preference among young guys for tan skin.

There are a few reasons why young guys consider tanned skin more attractive.

For one, many young men enjoy a fit and active lifestyle. A tanned skin indicates that someone spends time outdoors and is therefore physically active and healthy.

Additionally, tanned skin is associated with summertime, vacations, and relaxation, all of which are seen as positive things by younger men.

There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with being pale, if you’re looking to attract younger guys it’s definitely advantageous to tan.

Do Older Guys Prefer Tan or Pale Skin?

Older guys prefer tan skin because men as a whole place a premium on youth and beauty.

Tan skin is generally seen as more attractive than pale skin, especially as someone gets older. This isn’t always the case, but it’s generally true that men are more visual in their attraction than women are.

So, it makes sense that older guys would be more attracted to someone with tan skin – it signals youth and vitality.

Conversely, pale skin tends to signal age and frailty.

Some older men may prefer pale skin because they think it makes their partners look more innocent or delicate.

And some men may simply not care what their partner’s skin color is as long as they are happy and healthy.

It really depends on the individual man and his own preferences and values.

Do Guys Like Pale Skin With Dark Hair?

A woman with pale skin and dark hair is compelling because of the contrast.

Dark hair and pale skin are an uncommon combination—and people like the uncommon.

It’s ideal for girls who don’t want to expose their bodies to the sun as much as they might if they wanted a deep tan.

The high contrast is also resemblant of youth and beauty.

As women (and men) age, the natural contrast fades, becoming more muted. Coloring and makeup offer an artificial contrast.

Do Guys Prefer a Girl With a Dark Tan or Light Tan?

Based on the research, most guys prefer a girl with a lighter tan than a darker tan. The caramel, bronzed texture of a light tan is very appealing.

Interestingly, many people of color agree with this sentiment.

Both Caucasians and people of color tend to prefer lighter (but not pale) skin. This is true of both men and women.

Final Thoughts: Do Guys Prefer Tan or Pale Skin?

Most of us can darken or lighten our skin to some degree. Fewer of us can drastically change our skin tone.

If you like how you look with a light tan, go for it.

Otherwise, embrace your personal beautify, style, and preferences. There is a guy out there looking for someone who looks just like you.

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Fashion Face-Off: Tanned skin vs Pale Skin

Fan of the tan

In the past, dark skin may have been associated with a labourer’s tan. But nowadays, a glossy, bronzed complexion is the best way to look like you’re part of the elite jet-set pack. Not only does tanned skin help make those hard-earned muscles pop on men and give a slimming effect on ladies, it also strikes a gorgeous contrast against the ubiquitous white dresses for the summer.

But don’t go throwing away your sunscreen quite yet. You’ll still need some SPF to keep you bronzed rather than burnt. Alternatively, rather than frying and damaging your skin, we suggest the ‘fake it ’til you make it’ approach: head to the salon for a sunless spray tan and stock up on illuminating bronzing powder instead.

Beauty Standards Around The World – Research Spotlight

Research Spotlight: “Adoption of Western culture by Californian Asian Americans: attitudes and practices promoting sun exposure”

Golden Tan or Pale Milky Skin?

While glowing, golden tan skin is the common beauty benchmark in America, in Asia, many individuals endeavor to achieve pale, milky white skin. While these cultural definitions of beauty seem like polar opposites, the effect that these standards have on the common population are both detrimental; many Americans increase their risk of skin cancer through excessive trips to the tanning booth,[1] and many Asians apply chemically toxic whitening creams to their skin. Because of this, researchers desired to explore the perceptions of beauty in Asians in both America and in Asia in their study.[2]

Perceptions of Young vs Old

For their study, the researchers questioned patients in a dermatology clinic and administered an online survey that questioned respondents’ attitudes about their skin, especially focusing on the different answers of Asians who were raised in Asia and Asians who were raised in the United States. Through the hundreds of respondents, the researchers found that respondents who lived in America and were later generations of immigrants generally perceived a tan as ideal.[2] Furthermore, this same group believed that applying sunscreen was too excessive, and 60% of this group reported laying out in the sun to achieve a tan. In contrast, older generations and respondents who were less Westernized generally perceived light skin as ideal. They also found that these individuals on averagely used skin lighteners more and consciously avoided the sun.

Social Environment Matters

Though American and Asian cultural definitions of beauty directly contradict one another, the researchers’ findings suggest that these perceptions of beauty depend on the upbringing of an individual. From younger Asian-Americans heading to the tanning salon to older Asians avoiding sun exposure, the long-lasting consequences of these beauty standards ultimately arise from the individual’s environment. Therefore, before seeking ultraviolet rays for golden tan skin or purchasing the ingredients for a whitening home remedy, consider that the skin beauty standards possibly pressuring you to do so are far from universal.

How to Determine Your Skin Tone and Undertone

It’s something you’re born with, but often your skin tone is something you might not even know how to describe accurately yourself. If you wear any kind of face makeup at all, it’s crucial you understand your skin tone to be able to find the correct shade of foundation and concealer. Plus, learning your skin tone can help you to choose flattering shades for clothing, lipstick, hair color, and more. Unlike yesteryears when the categories of “light”, “medium”, and “dark” were enough to find a decent match, today’s wide assortment of face products and foundation lines with more targeted shade ranges warrants a better understanding of our skin’s unique hue.

Figuring out your exact skin tone doesn’t have to be a confusing affair though. You’ve just got to learn a few new terms first.

Skin Tones 101

First of all, you’re going to want to become familiar with two concepts: surface color and undertone.

Think of surface color as how you’d describe your skin to someone else, i.e, “light”, “tan”, “dark”, etc.

To make it easier for you, there are already four (broad) categories of color that your skin might fall into, which are:

Fair – The lightest range of skin tones. You likely burn easy, and have light or red hair.

Light – Generally those with skin considered “light” have warmer undertones (we’ll get to that in a second) than those with fair skin. You likely are able to tan in the summer.

Medium – You have a tan skin tone with warm golden or olive undertones.

Dark – The deepest range of skin tones.

You likely already have a good general idea of your surface color, but if you’re struggling to differentiate between, for example, fair and light, there are a couple things you can do to help.

Certain external factors can have an effect on your overall skin tone. Tanning is one of the most common examples, however, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, dark spots, acne, and general redness can all have an effect on how you perceive your surface color.

How to tell your surface color? There are a few tried and true steps you can take.

1. Ask a friend

Probably the simplest way to determine your surface color is to ask a friend or family member. Especially if you’re on the fence between two color categories, having a second opinion can be helpful.

2. Look at your jawline

Oftentimes, your jawline is the best place to see your “pure”, unobstructed surface color. Because the jawline tends to be unaffected by typical skin conditions, it can be a great area to get a sense of your true color.

3. Get a test done at your local beauty store

Ah, technology! In the past few years, many beauty stores have started offering skin tone/foundation matching tests that you can have done in less than 10 minutes. If you won’t settle for anything less than a professional opinion, this is the method for you.

Determining Your Skin Undertone

Onto undertone, often one of the most misunderstood (or ignored) elements of skin tone. Basically, undertone is exactly what it sounds like; the color tone underneath the surface color of your skin. Unlike surface color, which can change with a tan or certain brightening products, your undertone remains constant.

The three undertones are:

Cool – Characterized by a bluish undertone to the skin.

Warm – A golden or peach-colored undertone.

Neutral – A neutral undertone is neither cool nor warm. For darker skin tones, a neutral undertone would have an olive tint.

Determining your undertone requires a little more work than your overtone. It’s unfortunately more of a guessing game than with your surface color, but we’ve got several accurate methods you can use. Our recommendation? Try all of them and use the average of your results to confirm your undertone.

1. Look at your jawline

What’s your favorite color of jewelry to wear? If you tend to favor silver earrings and necklaces, chances are you’re cool-toned. If you like gold jewelry, you’re probably warm-toned. Think both look stellar on you? If you can pull off both, you’re likely a true neutral.

2. Check your veins

Grab your wrists and check the veins under them. Those with warm undertones have green colored veins, while blue veins are a sign of a cool undertone. If your veins look bluish-green, you may have a neutral undertone.

3. Use your eyes

While your eye color doesn’t have the final say, typically speaking, green and brown eyes signal a warm undertone, while blue or grey eyes belong to cooler undertones.

4. Use a piece of paper

Grab a piece of bright white paper and hold it up against your bare face. If your skin looks yellowish against the sheet, you’re warm toned. Looking pink? Cool toned. If you look more green or grey, you could be neutral toned.

Have a better idea of your undertone now? The good news is, most foundation ranges now carry a shade range inclusive to most skin tones and undertones.

Which Mineral Air Four-in-One Foundation Shade is Right for You?

Our Complexion Starter Kit comes in 11 versatile shades:

Porcelain – Fair to light skin with cool undertones

Light – Light skin with warm undertones

Bisque – Light to medium skin, neutral undertones

Medium – Medium skin with warm undertones

Medium Tan – Medium to tan skin with warm undertones

Sienna – Tan to deep skin, cool undertones

Amber – Tan to deep skin, warm undertones

Tan – Tan to deep skin with warm undertones

Deep – Deep skin with neutral undertones

Mocha – Deep skin with cool undertones

Espresso – Dark skin, neutral undertones

Mineral Air Four-in-One Foundations can be worn alone or mixed for a perfect color match. For a glowing, satin finish that is light as air and has 10 hour staying power, with our skin loving ingredients is the perfect foundation for your beauty routine.

If you’re having a hard time determining your correct skin tone, have no fear. It takes time, patience, and sometimes a bit of trial and error before you find the perfect products to match your hue. We hope this explainer helped!

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