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Float Loading Golf Swing | Golf: The Float Load Progression Drill For Pure Contact 상위 114개 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “float loading golf swing – GOLF: The Float Load Progression Drill For Pure Contact“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 Eric Cogorno Golf 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 21,636회 및 좋아요 950개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

Float loading is a natural process that happens in CERTAIN golf swings. There is very little wrist cock on the back swing and the change of direction causes the wrists to set naturally on the way down.Eric Cogorno, an assistant professional at Bethlehem Golf Club, has developed an instructional channel on YouTube that delivers golf lessons to a worldwide audience.You begin “loading” as soon as you move the club away from the ball. As the club moves over the shoulder, you should feel the pressure building in your trail leg. Think of coiling over the back hip. This motion allows the body to store the energy needed to perform the powerful downswing as you uncoil.

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float loading golf swing 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Is float-loading recommended? – Forums – GolfWRX

Float loading is a band a to create false lag or force forward shaft lean on a swing that is either too long, or doesn’t have a pivot that is …

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Float Loading – Golf Smart Academy

Matt Wolfe’s unorthodox swing has taken the golf world by storm. His swing has a lot of “float loading” in it. This veo talks about what that is, …

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Float Loading is a term used to describe a way of slowly cocking the left wrist on the backswing and not fully cocking it until the start of the …

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A Look at ‘Float Loading’ (10-19-B) – 3Jack Golf Blog

Okay, Mr. Kelley is stating that it’s termed ‘float loading’ because the the wrist is very gentle or ‘lazy.’ If the wrists are frozen, then the …

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Float Loading & Twistaway? | Brian Manzella Golf

Float loading (as I understand it) is sort of a very soft arms, drag the grip away ahead of the clubhead, with no right wrist bend until the …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 float loading golf swing

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 GOLF: The Float Load Progression Drill For Pure Contact. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

GOLF: The Float Load Progression Drill For Pure Contact
GOLF: The Float Load Progression Drill For Pure Contact

주제에 대한 기사 평가 float loading golf swing

  • Author: Eric Cogorno Golf
  • Views: 조회수 21,636회
  • Likes: 좋아요 950개
  • Date Published: 2020. 8. 21.
  • Video Url link:

Who is Eric Cogorno?

Eric Cogorno, an assistant professional at Bethlehem Golf Club, has developed an instructional channel on YouTube that delivers golf lessons to a worldwide audience.

How does power loading work in golf?

You begin “loading” as soon as you move the club away from the ball. As the club moves over the shoulder, you should feel the pressure building in your trail leg. Think of coiling over the back hip. This motion allows the body to store the energy needed to perform the powerful downswing as you uncoil.

Where should weight be on feet in golf swing?

Your weight should be 50-50 on your left and right legs and between the balls of your feet (those cushioned pads just below your toes) and your heels.

What is power loading swing?

Power loading allows you to swing with your body, enhancing what you already have, instead of forcing. your body to do something different. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your. handicap is.

Why do golfers lose distance with age?

As you age, you feel less stable in your golf swing. And when the body feels less stable, it instinctually slows its motion. This results in a slower clubhead speed.

Should driver sit flat at address?

Drivers should always have the toe up at address ‘ if the hands return close to this position while impacting the ball — because during the last portion of the swing there is a centrifugal force of up to 70 pounds just before impact, acting at the center of gravity (c.g.) of the head.

How seniors can drive the golf ball further?

10 tricks to boost your driving distance as you get older
  • Use your hands and wrists. …
  • Close your stance. …
  • Turn early. …
  • Turn your hips, too. …
  • Make the club lighter on your backswing. …
  • Lighter clubs. …
  • Use more loft. …
  • Proper ball position.

Float loading · Rebellion Golf


This is yet another of these cliche terms that gets thrown around by everyone and most have no idea what it is or how to use it.

Float loading is a natural process that happens in CERTAIN golf swings. There is very little wrist cock on the back swing and the change of direction causes the wrists to set naturally on the way down. It can create power and a great strike at the ball…as long as it is a natural process and happens in sync with the turn of the body. Lucas Glover, as an example.

The problem is people see this action as a great way to create lag and they force this move into their swing.


As a matter of fact, there are actually people who teach their students to take the club away so the shaft and arms are at a 180* angle and then massively pull down with the hands creating as small of an angle as possible.

In other words, the arms and the shaft on the takeaway are one straight line. When the back swing transitions to the down swing, the wrists massively cock sending the straight line into an small acute angle…the smaller the better for maximum power.

I call the people who teach this…IDIOTS.

If your natural golf swing has natural float loading…great. If someone describes the float loading process to you and tries to get you to do it to create more power, more lag, or cure a casting motion…take off your golf glove and slap them in the face with it. They are trying to ruin your golf game.

Look at this nasty, forced action.


Is float-loading recommended?

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Meet Eric Cogorno: Bethlehem golf pro and budding YouTube star

Eric Cogorno, an assistant professional at Bethlehem Golf Club, has developed an instructional channel on YouTube that delivers golf lessons to a worldwide audience.

Bethlehem golf pro Eric Cogorno soon expects to be giving lessons via virtual reality, either from the golf course or the driving range or his living room. When that happens, Cogorno will be prepared.

“There’s nothing leading me to believe that the in-person golf lesson is going to get more and more popular in the future,” Cogorno said. “In fact, it’s all working away from that. In golf, like everything else, it’s adapt or stay where you are.”


Cogorno, a 29-year-old assistant pro at Bethlehem Golf Club, has begun branding himself in the world of online video lessons and virtual golf, where professionals can reach millions of frustrated players with a sound swing tip and the right search terminology.

His brand, Eric Cogorno Golf, includes a 17-month-old YouTube channel on which the Nazareth High and Lehigh University graduate delivers video lessons for a broad range of players. The channel is nearing 10,000 subscribers and carries a distinct style of clear language and simplified concepts.


Eric Cogorno, assistant pro at Bethlehem Golf Club, offers a brief lesson for amateurs on fixing their slice.

The channel has led to additional platforms. Recently, Cogorno spent two days at Woodstone Golf Club shooting a series of about 50 short video lessons for Performance Golf Zone, a Florida-based company that delivers online instruction and golf training. The videos will be available as part of an instructional series this fall.

Though he still gives hourly one-on-one lessons, Cogorno sees a different future for golf instruction. Through his video series, and a planned subscription website onto which players will be able to upload their swings for analysis, Cogorno expects his teaching business to shift from the personal to the virtual.

The YouTube channel has advanced that process. Viewers have clicked on the channel from 193 locations across the world, and some have become clients. Cogorno has given lessons to players he met through the channel, some who have driven from New York or flown from Florida for a swing look.

Cogorno estimates that his online presence generates about 25 percent of his in-person lessons. In five years, he expects that number to be 90 percent.

“People are geting less and less scared of online lessons,” said Cogorno, who teaches at Bethlehem Golf Club and Phillipsburg’s Infini-Tee Golf Center. “We can record a couple of swings and figure out what they need to practice from the comfort of their home or on the course. It’s more efficient, time-wise.”

Cogorno began the channel Jan. 1, 2017, initially seeking to reach a broader audience with his instruction. The camera-operator was (and still is) Mary Lengle, a Bethlehem native and public relations specialist who took golf lessons from Cogorno.

The channel initially offered videos of Cogorno giving instruction (often to some of the better young Lehigh Valley players), then sharpened its focus to highlight Cogorno speaking directly to the camera. The lessons cover a range of topics, from fixing hooks and slices to chipping more consistently to reading greens.

Cogorno also delves into some advanced ideas, such as creating swing lag and compressing irons. On Masters Sunday, Cogorno made a video assessing winner Patrick Reed’s swing that proved popular. He hopes to do the same after each major this season.


Video views grew gradually, with one in February 2017 (“The Myth of the Magical Swing Feel”) being the first to top 1,000 views. Cogorno has developed a following sparked by positive commentary, and several clips have topped 20,000 views. The channel now grows by 100-150 subscribers per day.

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“I looked at Eric from my PR background and I saw him as America’s golf teacher,” Lengle said. “People say, ‘I want to play this game, I want to enjoy this game, but what am I doing wrong?’ They’re frustrated. He has the capacity to take some of these golf concepts, which can be mind-numbing, and explain them in a way that you can understand.”

Following the YouTube channel’s growth, Cogorno is building a membership website through which he can teach virtual lessons to golfers worldwide. He wants the content to be applicable to golfers of every age and skill set.

Cogorno doesn’t necessarily want to be a television golf personality. Instead, he’s looking to channel his instruction into the digital age.

“The goal is to scale everything to say, ‘How can I help as many golfers around the world as possible?'” Cogorno said. “I definitely think that, in a couple years, I’ll be wearing a virtual-reality headset, giving a lesson to someone halfway around the world. When that happens, I want to be in position to be one of the first people to take advantage of it.”

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The Sequencing Needed to Generate Power in the Golf Swing

To better your golf swing, you need a basic overview and understanding of anatomy and movement. In this blog, Zach Parker, one of the industry leaders in junior development, defines some of the basic terminologies as well as demonstrates an exercise that is sure to help you better understand the strength and the sequencing needed to generate power in the golf swing. This blog will be a two part series where we talk about sequencing, so make sure you check back on June 12th for the next blog in the series.

When executing any powerful movements, the body initially lengthens the muscles in the opposing direction of the forceful movement. This is best known as the requirement to “load to explode.” Today, we are going to focus on one specific sequence while next week we will dive a bit further into another.

If we are looking for a powerful downswing, then we should be loading by lengthening the body in opposition of where we need the power to be executed. This means that it cannot only be a rotation of the shoulders but also a slight rotation of the pelvic bones as well since this area is truly the powerhouse of the body. Rotation is often misinterpreted as a lateral movement; however, these terms define two different actions.

In movement, a rotation is where something revolves or pivots around an axis; This of this like a twist or coil. Lateral movement relates to sides, so a lateral movement moves sideways. To execute the load properly, we need rotation and lateral movement to work in unison.

You begin “loading” as soon as you move the club away from the ball. As the club moves over the shoulder, you should feel the pressure building in your trail leg. Think of coiling over the back hip. This motion allows the body to store the energy needed to perform the powerful downswing as you uncoil. You transfer the energy from one side of the body to the other as the lead leg takes over the motion in the lower body and you uncoil the torso. You also must continue through the motion to fully release all of the energy you stored in the loading.

Strength and Sequencing Needed to Generate Power in the Golf Swing

This drill teaches you how to be aware of this needed sequencing as you practice the load to explode principle.

Float Loading

Matt Wolfe’s unorthodox swing has taken the golf world by storm. His swing has a lot of “float loading” in it. This video talks about what that is, how to do it and what some of its benefits are.

3Jack Golf Blog: A Look at ‘Float Loading’ (10-19-B)

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Float Loading & Twistaway?

Manzella Matrix Glossary

Float Loading

Adding WRIST COCK on the downswing. Might also add RIGHT ARM bend, and additional LEFT ARM across the chest.

Lagging Clubhead Takeaway

Moving the GRIP end of the golf club at a faster rate than the CLUBHEAD end of the club, in the takeaway. Usually by moving the grip end first and dragging the clubhead before the club is off the ground.

Manzella Matrix Twistaway

A counter-clock-wise rotation of the shaft (and therefore sweetspot and clubface) apply by the hands for a selected period of time, which could be the entire swing.


Since you can have TWISTAWAY without WRIST COCK, and adding WRIST COCK on the downswing IS the basis of FLOAT LOADING, then you can TWISTAWAY and FLOAD LOAD.

And, since LAGGING CLUBHEAD TAKEAWAY is something than is INDEPENDENT of either TWISTAWAY of FLOAT LOADING, you could do all three, or any combination.


키워드에 대한 정보 float loading golf swing

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