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Course In Miracles Lesson 20 | A Course In Miracles – Lesson 20 123 개의 베스트 답변

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Did you enjoy this guidance from Master Teacher Carol Howe? If so, you will love THIS:
Daily A Course in Miracles lesson by Carol Howe, one of the earliest teachers of A Course in Miracles.
About Carol:
Carol Howe is one of the original and most experienced teachers of A Course In Miracles. A personal friend of co-scribe Bill Thetford, she wrote his biography, Never Forget To Laugh, and is also the author of Healing The Hurt Behind Addictions. Throughout her 40 year career with ACIM, she has helped many thousands on their journey to inner peace.

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Lesson 20: I am determined to see | ACIM

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A Course In Miracles - Lesson 20
A Course In Miracles – Lesson 20

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  • Author: A Course In Miracles by Carol Howe
  • Views: 조회수 23,095회
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  • Date Published: 2017. 1. 20.
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A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 20 Insights

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ACIM Workbook Lesson 20 Insights

“I am determined to see.”

Seeing with Christ’s vision is the opposite of believing what the body’s eyes are showing me. Seeing with Christ’s vision is recognizing that everyone is still as God created them. With Christ’s vision there is no separation, no differences, no guilt of any kind. There is only oneness with God’s universal Love. This Love is constant and so there is no change. I am determined to see means I am determined to see with Christ’s vision. It means I am determined to recognize the truth. I am determined to let go of the ego’s false stories.

This lesson is working with my willingness to see the truth. As my willingness grows, my seeing with Christ’s vision grows. Jesus is getting at the core of my awakening. Jesus knows that it is my willingness to see that allows me to see. There is nothing outside me that bars my seeing the truth. What I see comes from my mind. Seeing with Christ’s vision comes with my determination to see the truth. I am willing to practice today. Seeing with Christ’ vision is important. I am willing to practice every half hour. This helps bring me back to what is truly important to my awakening.

Being determined implies a singleness of purpose. My focus is clear and I will not let anything interfere with achieving my goal. Any seeming obstacles are not accepted as barriers, but are seen only as something to move past. There are many examples in my life where I was determined to reach a goal. When I was determined to get good grades in school, I got good grades. When I wasn’t determined, my grades were mediocre. When I was determined to attend a week-long program of spiritual growth, I did not allow any opinions of others or ideas of what I might lose if I went away for a week keep me from attending the program.

Whenever I have not had a fully committed determination to reach whatever my goal was, reaching the goal seemed difficult and sometimes I gave up. If my determination was very weak, I didn’t even try to reach the goal. I made up excuses and obstacles in my mind and believed them. This simple declaration, “I am determined to see,” is the declaration that I am not willing to believe in any obstacles and I want only that one goal.

At this stage, it is not important that I wholeheartedly embrace the statement without reservation. If I did, I would not need to affirm the statement all through the day. In giving this exercise the Course is recognizing that I am divided in my goals and I need to learn to focus my intent without reservation or distraction. This exercise starts me in that direction. I am grateful for the wisdom of the Course, which accepts me where I think I am and gives me the tools to help me go to where I truly want to be — at Home in the Heart of God.

The I Am has determined that I will see and so I shall because I, my True Self, already do see. There is a part of me that does not see. This is the part that I say today is determined to see. It is certain that I will see because God has already determined that this is so. As I come into alignment with God’s Will through my conscious choice, I see that this is already my will. I see who I really am. When I determine with God to see what I already see, but kept hidden by ego thoughts, how can I fail? I cannot fail for God is determined with me. If I live in determination with God, how can anything be less than glorious.

I give to God my determination today. God walks with me wherever I go. God walks in determination with me and so the path is certain and sure and full of light. Holy Spirit helps me to see clearly on the lighted path. Help to see clearly is abundant. I need only be determined, all the rest will follow. The Son of God does not stumble in determination. The Son of God prevails.

I love the part in this lesson that states I will not see if I regard myself as being coerced, and if I give in to resentment and opposition.

When my daughter got married about 10 years ago; I begged her not to. I didn’t like the man she was marrying and, sure enough, shortly after she married, she began having problems and would call me periodically to cry or complain about the man she married. But, fortunately, I decided to just love her and keep my doors open to her if she ever decided to leave him. Somehow I knew the decision to leave him would have to be hers because I didn’t want her to throw that in my face years on down the line.

I believe that God is the same way. Because of the fact that he gives us free will, he allows us to “see” other ways of finding peace, but ultimately it has to be our decision to find it in Him. Today I am determined to see. I think I’ve always known in my heart there had to be something in this world other than what I was “seeing.”

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Lesson 20 • January 20

Lesson 20

I am determined to see.

Practice Instructions

Purpose: To be determined to have vision and so to receive vision.

Exercise: Two per hour (preferably on the half hour).

Repeat the idea. How you repeat it makes all the difference. The lesson asks you to do so “slowly and positively” (5:1), remembering that you are determined to exchange your present state for one you really want. (In fact, you may want to try saying it this way just once right now, and see if that makes a difference.)

you repeat it makes all the difference. The lesson asks you to do so “slowly and positively” (5:1), remembering that you are determined to exchange your present state for one you really want. (In fact, you may want to try saying it this way just once right now, and see if that makes a difference.) If you find at some point that you have forgotten to practice, “do not be distressed…but make a real effort to remember” (5:2) from then on.

Remarks: This lesson marks a major shift in the Workbook. If the Workbook has seemed easy up until this point, that was intentional. It cannot stay that easy, however, and reach its goal of the total transformation of your thinking. So beginning now it will give you more of a structure within which to practice. This will include more frequent practice, set times in which to practice, and longer practice. Today’s lesson includes the first two of those. How you respond to this structure is crucial. If you see it as an imposition, as an outside will forcing itself on you, you will either actively or passively rebel against it. Instead, try to see it as the expression of your true will. You want all the things the Course offers you. And you will only get them through having a trained mind, and you will only get that through doing the practice. Therefore, doing the practice today is your own true desire.

Response to temptation: Whenever you become upset about a person, situation, or event.

Repeat the idea as an emotional remedy. You may want to specify it: “I am determined to see this situation.” If you really want to see this situation differently, you will.


Today’s lesson does not really ask all that much of us: Every half hour, remember to repeat the words “I am determined to see.” If we are studying the Course this is something we probably truly want.

You want salvation. You want happiness. You want peace. (2:3-5)

Why then all the foofaraw about our feeling coerced, resentful and opposed to the instructions?

Because “this is our first attempt to introduce structure” (2:1), and it will not be the last. Our undisciplined minds have a built-in resistance to structure. So what if it’s good for us? Actually something we want? If someone tells us to do it in a certain way, at certain times, we rebel. We drag our feet. We don’t like being told what to do or how to do it. Our mind is “totally undisciplined” (2:6) and wants to remain that way to protect the ego’s vested interests.

The practice asked is extremely simple. So try it. You’ll probably be amazed at how often you forget, how the thought of doing it may flash into your mind only to be postponed because it isn’t convenient at the moment, or because “it isn’t really important,” and then forgotten completely. This is why the Workbook approaches the whole idea of structure with great caution; it knows there will be resistance, and is trying to make us realize just how important this deceptively simple practice really is. This is why it says: “Do not be distressed if you forget to do so, but make a real effort to remember” (5:2).

“Your decision to see is all that vision requires” (3:1). If we could really get this lesson, in other words, and truly mean what we are saying, the job would be done. Vision would be ours. “In your determination to see is vision given you” (3:8). This is not a trivial lesson; it is the core of everything the Course is teaching. So let’s put our heart into it today! Let’s do this joyfully, even—dare I say?—religiously, every half hour. Let’s repeat the idea “slowly and positively” (5:1). Let’s “make a real effort to remember” (5:2). Let’s apply it “to any situation, person, or event which upsets” us (5:3).

You can see them differently, and you will. What you desire you will see. Such is the real law of cause and effect as it operates in the world. (5:4-6)

A Course in Miracles Lesson 20

I am determined to see.

There are at least two aspects of Lesson 20 of A Course in Miracles that bear reflection. The first is its commentary on structure and effort. The second is its explicit emphasis on our willingness to see conjoined with the implicit emphasis that we do not, presently, see.

The first is practical. The early lessons of A Course in Miracles are not difficult; they ask little of us in terms of time or energy. As the workbook points out, this is not an accident.

. . . you will not see if you regard yourself as being coerced, and if you give in to resentment and opposition (W-pI.20.1:6).

Still, the “little effort” we are asked to give does yield significant results.

Can the salvation of the world be a trivial purpose? And can the world be saved if you are not? God has one Son, and he is the resurrection and the life. His will is done because all power is given him in Heaven and on earth. In your determination to see is vision given you (W-pI.20.3:4-7).

This “little effort” – which today consists in twice-hourly repetitions of the lesson’s fundamental idea – segues neatly into the lesson’s goal, which is not merely to ever so slightly increase our willingness to actively participate in salvation.

To “see,” as the course defines it here, is to effectively discern between “joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, love and fear” (W-pI.20.2:6). It is not seeing akin to what our physical eyes do; it is closer to the way in which your mind recognizes and chooses between the emotions that it wants.

You want salvation. You want to be happy. You want peace. You do not have them now because your mind is totally undisciplined . . . (W-pI.20.2:3-6).

So lesson 20 is a juncture in our learning (there will be others) whereby we begin to see the value of learning discipline as it applies to the level of mind, and become willing to actually work for it.

Recognizing that we do not currently see this way can feel discouraging, but in fact it is the opposite. Coming to terms with what we cannot yet do is the first step in a) deciding that we do, in fact, want it and b) becoming willing to what is necessary to achieve it.

Thus, Lesson 20 also evokes the cycle of lessons (ten through fifteen) that consider meaninglessness, with a particular focus on the metaphor of “writing” our thoughts on the world. Perception can be of the thoughts we have written – always authored by ego – or of the real thoughts that the Holy Spirit writes for us. Only one set of thoughts is real, though we can postpone seeing it this way for a very long time.

We live in the world of perception largely under the influence of the loveless ego. It – meaning the ego – is perfectly happy to give us shreds of enlightenment – illusory feelings of progress, symbols of “love” that are actually hate wearing a mask. To accept these is to accept substitutes for the actual work, the real work of salvation, which is simple but not necessarily easy.

Thus, a frequent and positive affirmation – I am determined to see! – is not out of place. It functions as a critical reminder of how far we must go and how determined we must be. But more than that, it does so in a hopeful way, a positive way. We are striving to make contact with our true desire for awakening rather than the myriad forms of it proposed by the ego. When we do make that contact, Heaven is the sure result because what we desire, we see (W-pI.20.5:5). This is real law of cause and effect, by which salvation is assured.

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Lesson 20: I am determined to see

A Course in Miracles Lesson 20: I am determined to see.

An important thought in this lesson is this line:

Your mind is totally undisciplined, and you cannot distinguish between joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, love and fear.

That is very hard for us to accept. We believe we can definitely tell the difference between happiness and sadness. Yet the Course is teaching us that these are two sides of the same coin.

What we consider to be “good” is a result of the world and our body being in a certain state where our needs and desires are met. It’s a conditional sort of happiness that can evaporate as soon as conditions change: our body (or the body of a loved one) gets sick; our financial security is threatened, people disappoint us, and so on.

When we’re willing to accept that we really can’t tell the difference between joy and sorrow – then we open ourselves to a new way of seeing. One not driven by the ego mind.

The Course teaches us that “your decision to see is all that vision requires.”

So our practice consists in reminding ourselves that we do want to see. And now we allow a different teacher to guide our journey.

Lesson 20: I am determined to see.

W-pI.20.1. We have been quite casual about our practice periods thus far. There has been virtually no attempt to direct the time for undertaking them, minimal effort has been required, and not even active cooperation and interest have been asked. This approach has been intentional, and very carefully planned. We have not lost sight of the crucial importance of the reversal of your thinking. The salvation of the world depends on it. Yet you will not see if you regard yourself as being coerced, and if you give in to resentment and opposition.

W-pI.20.2. This is our first attempt to introduce structure. Do not misconstrue it as an effort to exert force or pressure. You want salvation. You want to be happy. You want peace. You do not have them now, because your mind is totally undisciplined, and you cannot distinguish between joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, love and fear. You are now learning how to tell them apart. And great indeed will be your reward.

W-pI.20.3. Your decision to see is all that vision requires. What you want is yours. Do not mistake the little effort that is asked of you for an indication that our goal is of little worth. Can the salvation of the world be a trivial purpose? And can the world be saved if you are not? God has one Son, and he is the resurrection and the life. His will is done because all power is given him in Heaven and on earth. In your determination to see is vision given you.

W-pI.20.4. The exercises for today consist in reminding yourself throughout the day that you want to see. Today’s idea also tacitly implies the recognition that you do not see now. Therefore, as you repeat the idea, you are stating that you are determined to change your present state for a better one, and one you really want.

W-pI.20.5. Repeat today’s idea slowly and positively at least twice an hour today, attempting to do so every half hour. Do not be distressed if you forget to do so, but make a real effort to remember. The extra repetitions should be applied to any situation, person or event that upsets you. You can see them differently, and you will. What you desire you will see. Such is the real law of cause and effect as it operates in the world.

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