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Home » Enhypen Reaction To You Being Thick | Enhypen Members Bullying And Body Shaming Sunoo 4837 명이 이 답변을 좋아했습니다

Enhypen Reaction To You Being Thick | Enhypen Members Bullying And Body Shaming Sunoo 4837 명이 이 답변을 좋아했습니다

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “enhypen reaction to you being thick – Enhypen members bullying and body shaming sunoo“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 K-pop update 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 376,650회 및 좋아요 17,630개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

enhypen reaction to you being thick 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 Enhypen members bullying and body shaming sunoo – enhypen reaction to you being thick 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

enhypen reaction to you being thick 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Can you do an enhypen reaction to there s/o being…

Their s/o has thick thighs. °.•.°: Heeseung. image. he loves them as much as he loves you …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 9/16/2021

View: 4747

Reaction:You having your period [Hyung line] – Wattpad

Read •Reaction:You having your period [Hyung line] from the story Enhypen imagines … Situation: You being on your period … Do you want to say i’m fat?

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 11/20/2021

View: 6830

multistan_heaven — Enhypen reaction “s/o has stretch marks”

He saw you as someone who was truly beautiful. When he saw the marks slightly hden under your shirt and shorts he smiled; He knew that stretch …

+ 여기에 표시


Date Published: 1/12/2022

View: 1240

weakness : pretty men — title : act of intimacy with enhypen ft. : …

sunghoon : : he loves having his hair washed by you, it’s a honor for you to be honest, his silky hair are soft curtains of velvet, …

+ 여기에 더 보기


Date Published: 1/11/2022

View: 5273


ENHYPEN WHEN THEY ACCIDENTALLY HIT YOU : pairing — boyfriend! enhypen x reader … but just to be dramatic, you let out a painful screech …

+ 여기에 더 보기


Date Published: 9/15/2021

View: 4442

— enhypen reacting to you calling them ‘bro/dude’ #… – n1k1tty

enhypen reacting to you calling them ‘bro/dude’ # 희승 [heeseung] … so sweetly all the comments were like “I DONT KNOW WHO I WANT TO BE.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 2/12/2022

View: 8367

#enhypen scenario on Tumblr

poor hee had the misfortune of waking up to you not being there, … can I ask enhypen vampire reaction to them drinking reader’s blood for the first time …

+ 더 읽기


Date Published: 3/16/2021

View: 3160

red with love — enhypen with an s/o who’s very affectionate

like overall i don’t see heeseung as being a Super Clingy Boyfriend (unlike some ppl *coughcough*); however if you get shy/embarrassed about him …

+ 여기에 표시


Date Published: 11/15/2021

View: 7355

주제와 관련된 이미지 enhypen reaction to you being thick

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Enhypen members bullying and body shaming sunoo. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Enhypen members bullying and body shaming sunoo
Enhypen members bullying and body shaming sunoo

주제에 대한 기사 평가 enhypen reaction to you being thick

  • Author: K-pop update
  • Views: 조회수 376,650회
  • Likes: 좋아요 17,630개
  • Date Published: 2022. 2. 28.
  • Video Url link:

Welcome to the show — Can you do an enhypen reaction to there s/o being…


ok so i was working on a request and i was supposed to save it to the drafts but i accidentaly posted it and i had to delete the post, but the request is also deleted

um im sorry anonymus person who requested it 😭😭

•Reaction:You having your period [Hyung line]


Situation: You being on your period



-,,Hi babe” he smiled after he came back from work

-,,Hi” you smiled back

-He threw himself next to you on your bed, wrapping his hands around your waist, his head on your chest

-,,Ouch” you squeaked and pushed his head slightly down

-,,Am i too heavy?” he laughed

-,,No but i’m on my period and my…lets say upper body hurts like hell”

-,,Ugh again?” he groaned

-,,You better be happy, at least i’m not pregnant” you chuckled

-,,Well thats true..Then let’s cuddle for the rest of the evening”

-,,Sounds great!”

-You placed a kiss on his lips before you spent a cozy night together (Okay but am i the only one who’s boobs are hurting like hell when i’m on my period?? If yes it might be a bit awkward but i hope im not the only one😭)

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ⊱


-,,Not again” he whined after he woke up

-,,Y/n” he shook you to wake you up ,,Look what you did! Don’t you know when you’re on your period?”

-You slowly woke up and realized what you did

-,,Oh shit”

-Your bedsheet was covered in blood

-,,I’m so sorry i’ll clean it up right away!”

-„It’s okay go to the bathroom first to make yourself fresh. I’ll give you new sheets” he sighed and got up to make your bed fresh

-,,Thank you. You’re the best”, you snuggled back in your fresh bed after you came back from the bathroom

-,,You’re welcome. But be careful next time”

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ⊱


-,,Can’t you go to sleep now? I’m so tired but i can’t fall asleep because of you” he complained after you constantly tossed and turned around in your bed

-,,Sorry but my back and my stomach are hurting like hell” you said, your arms on your tummy, trying to reduce the pain

-He groaned and got up to leave the room

-You thought he’ll get himself something to drink so you didnt question where he was going

-After a few minutes he came back with a warm tea, pain killers and a hot water bottle

-,,That should help” he smiled and placed the things next to you

-,,I- Thank you” you happily smiled and sat up to take a sip from your tea

-After you drank your tea, you wrapped your arm around his waist and placed your head on his chest

-,,I love you” you mumbled while he stroked your hair

-,,I love you too…and now go to sleep” he chuckled

-A few minutes later you fell asleep

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ⊱


-,,Why are there so many snacks in the cupboard?” he asked

-,,I bought them yesterday” you replied

-,,I thought we’re not eating any unhealthy food this month”

-,,What? Do you want to say i’m fat?”

-,,Huh? No! Of course not. I just thought you don’t want any snacks”

-,,As you can see, i do want snacks”

-,,Yes and that’s totally fine” he said and wanted to leave

-,,You’re not going to cuddle with me?” you asked

-,,What- Why are you so annoyed today? I didnt do anything”

-,,Yes or no?” you asked again and rolled your eyes

-,,Yes, but stop being so pissed”

-He let himself fall down next to you and wrapped his arms around your waist

-,,What’s that?” he asked after he felt something on your stomach

-,,Ooohh-” he noticed the hot water bottle on your tummy

-„Explains pretty much”

──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ──────

┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

I’ll split this part in hyung and maknae line so you dont have to wait too long for a new chapter <3 └─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

heaven💫 — Enhypen reaction “s/o has stretch marks”

T R E A S U R E – D O R M 3

when you visit their solo room ~!!

general audiences – lowercase intended – no warnings

dorm 1 – dorm 2 – dorm 3

🍀 J A E H Y U C K

his heart starts to flutter the second he lets you into the dorm, and it’s galloping by the time he leads you into his room. he’ll try to act nonchalant by teasing and poking you, but he has to take deep, shaky breaths whenever you’re not looking just so he can calm himself. honestly, hanging out in your boyfriend’s room feels like having a sleepover with your best friend. you guys will read webtoons together and watch silly cat videos or cringey cooking shows. you’ll play games together like among us, screaming at each other and laughing so hard you can’t breathe afterward. as you hang out, music will be blasting from his speakers. you’ll take turns adding songs to the queue to listen to! he’s another member who will love to wind down by cuddling with you on his lap and singing softly into your ear.

🍀 A S A H I

you’re asahi’s muse in more ways than one! not only has he composed several songs for you (that will never reach your ears because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself), but he loves to draw you. he’ll let you play whatever music you want as long as you sit across from him on the bed and let him sketch your face from all angles. sometimes, he even asks you to pose for him so he can practice drawing your body and its beautiful proportions. this little twerp will purposefully tell jokes to make you laugh just so he can teasingly chastise you and remind you that you have to keep your face still so he can sketch it. overall, though, you don’t mind just listening to tunes and watching your boyfriend squint through his glasses between you and the pad of paper. you always did think his face of concentration was too cute to pass up.

🍀 H A R U T O

he’s yet another of our talented songwriter line! he might someday show you some of the songs he’s written for you, but only if you ask really nicely and promise not to laugh at how cheesily romantic they are. (he can’t help writing cliche love songs, he’s enamoured with you!) otherwise, spending time with ruto in his room usually means sleepy cuddle sessions, like some of his hyungs. whether you snuggle up in his lap on a chair, gazing out the window at dusk falling over the city, or spoon under his warm sheets, he’s content. he might want to play games with you or show you some choreo just to ask your advice, but usually, he’s too caught up in cradling your body in his arms. he’ll whisper I love you over and over across the shell of your ear whilst tracing a thumb against your cheek. lets out the cutest little sighs of content upon tugging you closer, having your warm form flush with his.

🍀 J E O N G W O O

he’s never more excited than when you spend his day off with him in the dorm! our talkative little wolf pup loves just to sprawl out on his bed and hold your hands whilst jabbering about anything that piques your interest. knowing him, you’ll probably be coerced into acting as his personal little barbie doll. he’ll dress you up in his wardrobe and make you prance through his bedroom whilst he takes photos of your fashionable self and oohs and aahs playfully. it’s rather embarrassing, so he happily makes it up to you afterward by holding onto your shoulders and kissing you exuberantly on the lips. will even serenade you and dance you around the room if you want him to!

🍀 J U N G H W A N

in all honesty, usually, you’re headed to your boyfriend’s solo room because he wants to have a movie marathon. he’ll make you sit right up against him where he can tuck you snugly into his side and watch movies until you’re half-asleep in his shoulder. his fingers, absently, will play with your hair, and it calms you almost to the point of sleepiness. you’ll probably be snacking together whilst you stare at the screen (which, more often than not, is playing some film from the Harry Potter franchise), pushing doughnuts and sweets into each other’s mouths. on the days when neither of you are in the mood for TV, you’ll play games together, whether they’re video games or board games! he’ll accuse you of cheating every two seconds and threaten to beat you up, reminding you snottily that he’s very proficient in taekwondo. the minute you remind him that he literally smells like a baby, however, he’ll shut up.



title : act of intimacy with enhypen ft. : … : weakness : pretty men

title : act of intimacy with enhypen

ft. : ehypen

warning: none , not proof read

requested : yes

an. I took this request since I had it ready. Please know that I was a anime writing blog before deactivation,,so if you see similar content its not stealing. thanks and enjoy.

niki : : niki likes to fall asleep on your lap, though he does feel guilty thinking about how you could get cramps and it’s a very uncomfortable position but it’s a luxury for him to have a peaceful nap or playing games because he is usual hard and tiring day. stealing glances at your face. without knowing start taking pictures,loves when your hands roam in his hair.

sunoo : : sharing dessert/ drinks,makes you eat mint chocolate ice cream 🙂 if you like it or not doesn’t matter. Over feed you, doesn’t care if you ate food already if he eats you gotta eat too. Laughs at the face you make while eating mint chocolate.

jungwon : : wearing eachother cloths . He has alot of oversized hoodie and t-shirts you would like to to drown in, he naturally is attracted by the oversized and comfy wears when he shops, picks oversized for you too so he can steal your cloths too. has no reaction when he finds his cloths missing but loves seeing you in it.

Others undercut

jake : : finding peace in silence, soothing and mellow time he likes reading books with you, everything seem so slow when he sits with you on the couch rubbing ur thighs and reading his favourite books. or when he sneaks out at nights and knocks on your window two times to say that’s it him, he has come for you so you can escape from your house into the starry skies or raining nights to slow dance together, forgetting everything in each others eyes.

heeseung : : shoulder rubs , at a point it become your own way of comforting eachother, this small yet precious act makes you get butterflies ,feel at ease and it’s pretty obvious heesung feels the same. you can see his worried eyes melting down when you to it as if he can fall asleep after countless night without sleep.

jay : : he knows but still makes you tie/adjust his tie for him, not only that he likes to tie your necklace when ur neck is bare for him to plant soft kisses and brush his nose on your ear.



: paring — lovers to exes! jake x reader

: genre — angsty 🙁

: song recc. — pluto projector by rex orange county

: a/n — idky i listen to this song and think of jake and i cri

and we’re on our way to glory, where the show won’t ever end, and the encore lasts forever.

things seemed like forever bliss with him. the lightest of his touches felt like the heavens had graced upon you. every waking moment spent with him felt like running through grassy fields barefoot. the wind swooping the hairs on your head back as you both giggled loudly in the vast emptiness. the way he held you in his arms created a sense of comfort. a sense of home. a sense of love. these were the moments you wished had lasted forever.

spendin the years together, growing older every day […], i feel at home when I’m around you.

walking alone at night on your elementary school grounds was a reoccurring place you would visit. a place of simpler times. where the only thing that mattered was who could run the fastest. the recollection of your child like screams could be heard in the far distance, you imagine. you were laughing so hard because he was making funny faces, trying to distract you from your scraped knee. from day one, he was like home.

taking care of you when things didn’t seem to make sense. you watched each other grow. stressing now about your acne, grades, and the cute people in your classes. the glances you took between each other lasted longer than they should’ve. gazing your eyes towards his lips when he spoke to you. dreaming countless nights on what it his lips would feel against yours. what waking up to his alluring visage would be like. wondering if your hands fit each other like puzzle pieces.

this right here still feels like a honeymoon, when you say my name, nothing’s changed.

being with him was euphoria. everything was so exciting. young love they call it. where the smallest show of affection was something you’d scream about into your pillow. awkward silences filled a large portion of your dates. shy looks you shared with him. when you kissed his cheek for the first time, his heart dropped, unaware of what this feeling was.

butterflies. they were butterflies my dear jake.

oh how he fell in love with the way you pouted when you were focused on a task, and how you fell in love with his selflessness. putting everyone before himself, including you. the spontaneous 2 am trips, sneaking you out of his house to watch the stars at your childhood park. you watched the stars, while he watched at you.

his puppy like eyes staring at you when you refused to something he asked for. of course, he immediately got it afterwards. sharing your firsts with each other. the way he confessed his love for you every night. you promised each other that you would be together forever. through thick and thin. through rain or shine. it would always have been you and him together.

old enough to understand,

stay forever, you know more than anyone.

it was another on one of your spontaneous trips where jake broke your heart. you kept trying to peek at him, each time you did he would look away, staring into the night sky to avoid your gaze. timidly, you grabbed his hand, rubbing your thumb against the back of it. you stayed silent, in the hopes that he would speak for himself. minutes prolonged before he admitted:

“i’m leaving tomorrow.” he loosened his grip on your hand. shifting his hand away from yours and into his lap. he continued to look away, afraid to see your reaction. you were overwhelmed. ‘we could make this work, right?’ you thought to yourself. so you begged. you begged over and over and over again to him. you tried your hardest within those few hours you had together that this could work. that he could leave the town but not you. he began to explain that he was leaving for korea. that he would work his ass off to become an artist. to find his truest self away from here. that he would leave this town with 0 traces of jake sim. you could see the determination on his face and realized there was no point.

so you let him go. you blocked him on everything he could possibly contact you as soon as you got home. you refused to visit him before his flight. you sobbed until the sun rose, trying to forget that fact that you let your best friend go. the one person who knew you more than anyone. the fact that you let the love of your life out of the grasps of your arms.

years had passed. you hadn’t thought of him since, forced to erase jake from the memories of your mind. the tv turned on, switched to a unknown channel. lo and behold, sweet jake sim with his puppy dog eyes danced across the screen. the screams of millions of fans overpowering his own voice. 6 others behind him as they giggled with each other.

you understood now, you just wished he stayed forever.

— enhypen reacting to you calling them ‘bro/dude’ #…

enhypen reacting to you calling them ‘bro/dude’

# 희승 [heeseung]

– you guys had an arcade date

– and then you already know how competitive you guys are

– so when you guys were doing the basketball one, he was teasing you and taking your balls away lmao

– “bro istg if you don’t stop im gna punch you”

– kinda got used to it tbh. but he was still a little sulky cuz he wants you to call him babe or seungie/hee

– “y/n we’ve been dating for almost a year, yet you still call me bro🙄😒”

– pouts the whole time

– “okay im sorry baby, now stop pouting and get ready to lose”

– you ended up losing anyway but it’s alright cuz he got you a stuffy with all the tickets he won😋

# 제이 [jay]

– you guys were baking gingerbread cookies for the members during christmas and he smudged icing on your nose bcs he wanted to 🙄 sorry im so excited for christmas lol

– so then you were like “dude😡”

– and then he was like “*gasp*😦😟”

– and then you realized what you said and gave him a smirk

– “bro can you pass me the-” —slam!

– he *jokingly* slams the pack of candy decorations

– “y/n one more time and i’ll smudge the whole bowl of icing on your face” he wasn’t actually lol

– “alright, alright. sorry bro—”

– *starts chasing you around their dorm with the bowl of icing on his hand”

# 제이크 [jake]

– you usually call him babe, jakey or sexy as a joke like

– “hey sexy😩😏” and then he’d be like “😦🤭😏 hey Jessica”

– and then you’d be like “😱 who’s jessica😡🔪”


– it was like 3am and you miss him so you wanted to sneak out

– so you message him like 1000000 times

– “hey man” “bro” “jake” “dude wake up” “jake senpai wake up juicesaeyo >_<” - first he’d be totally be disturbed by you calling him senpai and “not the koreaboo-ness😟🤢 i’m breaking up with you” - and then he realizes later and then 🤭😒🙄 “y/nnnnnnnn, im not going out until you tell me WHO YOU’RE CALLING BRO?🔫😡” - “BABE OK IM SORRY. NOW COME HERE. I MISS YOU” - “ok baby im coming🥰” # 성훈 [sunghoon] - he’ll tease you whenever you call him babe he lowkey likes it tho dw - so then you just decided to call him bro just for today - bro when i tell you his mood went from a 200 to a .000000000001 in a second - so you guys were watching a movie and you asked him to pass the remote - “babe can you pass me the remote” and he was ‘cringing’ but inside he was like 🥰🥰😋😘😁 - so when you saw the look on his face you said “thanks bro” - face dead as went 📞⬅️ 😁 to 😒➡️💨📞🙄 SORRY THERES NO REMOTE EMOJI - you started laughing at him - “YAH! this is funny to you?” - “hoon if you want me to call you babe just say. i know you like it😏😘” # 선우 [sunoo] - POUTY BABY - you guys were just going on a morning walk - and you were like “bro wait, my shoelaces are untied” - IT WAS ON ACCIDENT - he decided to not wait for u🙄 - “YAH! what if i got kidnapped by a mafia family?!” you were exaggerating but whatever - “I’D LET THEM TAKE YOU >:(”

– you giggled since he was so cute when he’s upset

– “alright alright, im sorry baby :3”

# 정원 [jungwon]

– you guys were playing with maeumi since the promotions for drunk daze were over and he wanted you to meet his dog DID U GUYS SEE HIS EN-LOG

– you both went to the rooftop to eat dinner

– and he was starting to get a little pouty that you were spending more time with maeumi

– you didn’t even notice the pout until you went to back hug him while he was grilling the meat

– “bro why are you pouting hm?”


– doesn’t even give you the meat

– “bruh what’s up with you today” you went to go sit next to him

– “am i a bro to you?????? you’ve been spending too much time with the members🙄” YOU BURSTED OUT LAUGHING

– “aw baby im so sorry” you give him a kiss on the cheek.

– “say ah” feeds you the meat bcs hes okay now 🙂


– “he was asking for it 🙁 i couldn’t say no”

# 니키 [niki]

– you and him were just going live for dance jam

– and you guys were dancing so sweetly all the comments were like “I DONT KNOW WHO I WANT TO BE. RIKI OR Y/N” and some like “i love y/n and riki’s relationship sm they’re so cute :(”

– some other time you guys would be chasing each other bcs ur both playfull lmao

– he was gently strangling you “bro change the song”

– everyone sees his 😦 face when u called him that and engenes were laughing. he shakes his head and was like 🤨??

– you didn’t even notice until you saw the comments “GO APOLOGIZE TO RIKI RIGHT NOW LMAO”

– he jokingly says “everyone you see how y/n treats me??”

– you laugh and give him a big hug “im sorry baby”

– “dance to gee and i’ll forgive you”

– he tries to hide his smile “that was kinda cute i guess”


키워드에 대한 정보 enhypen reaction to you being thick

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 Enhypen members bullying and body shaming sunoo

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See also  사랑 의 언어 | [47편] 사랑에도 언어가 있다? 게리 채프먼의 '5가지 사랑의 언어' 1부 | 복음책방, 신앙을 읽다 인기 답변 업데이트